Fixed flash and shuttering when mounting any broom.Fixed mesh breaking when avatar mounts broom after teleporting in open area.Fixed player getting trapped while mounting a broom or while or rotating a statue.Fixed shields not displaying correctly during Crossing Wands missions.Fixed stars brightness and pop issues with Astronomy mini-games.Fixed stars being present when focusing telescope during Astronomy class on low settings.Fixed stability issue in the Spoons in the Potion’s classroom.Fixed incorrect merge mission progression.

Fixed blocker issue when unlocking the bandit camp cage before starting the mission.

Fixed DLC flying mount inventory issue potentially disappearing during a mission.Fixed DLC related issues during pause menu, gear menu.Improve player account network registration and tracking.The March 8 update, patch 1.05, only contained bug fixes, and hence it was only 1.129 GB.
Hogwarts Legacy March 8 Update | Patch Notes